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Forum: Armchair-GM25 juin à 14 h 41
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Canesfan21_</b></div><div>Also it sounds like they ARE actually willing to do the full 8 years on Guentzel, just at the expense of a bunch of aav as usual. Typical canes</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Wojtek</b></div><div>On your Necas point. I get it but I also think it's easier to get some picks and use the cap to pick up a UFA. That way we can get a winger for a few years and some good picks for the future instead of just a winger who might not work out.

On Guentzel, I still think someone is going to offer him a better package than the Canes will. Hockeycomparables has him projected to get 9.5 for 7yrs or 9 for 8yrs. I wouldnt be surprised if a team offers him 10. The back end of that deal could hurt.

The way I see it is there's pretty much no way to set ourselves up better than last year. So, my team isn't too worried about winning now and focus more on the near future. I think this team sets us up to be far better in a few years than we could possibly be right now if they truly went into win now mode.

We could be really nasty as soon as 2025. Nikishin comes over and we'll get a whole lot of Cap to play with when Orlov, Kuznetzov, Burns, Fast, and Andersen contracts run out. That and all of the ELCs already in the roster could really make the Canes a weapon.</div></div>

Also, as things stand, there are a lot of tasty looking UFAs on the market in 2025(Draisaitl, Rantanen, Marner, Tavares just to name a few) and a very special someone will be a free agent in 2026. Just something to think about
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juin à 14 h 34
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juin à 12 h 46
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 13 h 10
Forum: Armchair-GM23 mai à 14 h 59
Forum: Armchair-GM23 mai à 9 h 19
Forum: Armchair-GM23 mai à 8 h 40
Forum: Armchair-GM21 mai à 14 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GM21 mai à 14 h 16
Forum: Armchair-GM20 mai à 15 h 26
Forum: Armchair-GM20 mai à 15 h 25
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>vikhodush</b></div><div>Could pair him with Orlov or whoever 3LD is. I also think you can manage it within certain games and keep him with Slavin but decrease some of his minutes. Definitely need somebody who can skate and cover for his aggressiveness but I trust Canes coaching staff can adjust defensively as he ages for one more year.

There’s a ton of variations of this offseason for canes which will dictate what to do with Necas. Agreed that Guentzel and Jarvis are priorities one and two. If you get both of them but let most of the rest of the guys walk (turbo Skjei pesce etc) you can probably fit Necas, at least on a shorter deal. But if you can’t or both sides want to move on you should be able to get good value for him in either a futures or a hockey trade. My point was you’ve got to either sign or trade him.</div></div>

I didnt like much of anything that Burns did this year. Was useless on the power play for pretty much the entire year and got really sloppy in the defensive third against the Rangers. If he cant perform with Slavin hes probably not gonna be able to do it with anyone else. I get its just one more year but he was not good and he needs to be good if we want to win the cup. His age suggests its decline rather than an off year.

Obviously I think we'll get something for Necas since we have his signing rights. It really just depends on what team wants him the most and what they're willing to give up for him wether its players or picks.
Forum: Armchair-GM20 mai à 15 h 12