

Membre depuis
13 juill. 2023
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Forum: Armchair-GM17 juill. 2023 à 9 h 36
Forum: Armchair-GM17 juill. 2023 à 5 h 39
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juill. 2023 à 13 h 12
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juill. 2023 à 7 h 34
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LivingAnew</b></div><div>There is something else the Hawks must consider, on top Mantha's value to the Hawks and the paying out of draft picks for having him on the Hawks... Who among Hawks players who may play an important role in the Hawks' future will Mantha elbow out of playing time/development, if he (Mantha) is on the roster?

IMO, the Hawks are HIGHLY unlikely to dispose of any of the vets they JUST signed (Foligno, Hall, Donato, Perry, Athanasiou), or Dickinson, Tyler Johnson, etc - who've established themselves as important pieces.

No, some kid will be elbowed out who may/will be important to the Hawks' future - a kid who either needs development and/or will tell the Hawks (or other teams) what their potential is to the Hawks' rebuild: Raddysh, Katchouk, Reickel, Guttman, Kurashev, Anderson, etc. We have an abundance of young forwards who've played for the Hawks, and I think it's MUCH more important for the Hawks to learn how any one of these players develop, than Mantha.</div></div>

As part of Chicago now:

Perry 38 years old, 1 year contract $4 million

Foligno 35 years old, 1 year contract $4 million

Johnson 32 years old, 1 year contract $5 million,

Dickinson 28 years old, 1 year contract $2.65 million

Blackwell 30 years, 1 year contract,

Are you sure that Manta is worse than them?

As I understand it, Chicago will have the next TOP-6 this season

1st line: Hall, Bedard, Reichel

2nd line: Athanasiou, Johnson, Raddysh

Raddysh in 2022 is 33 points in 74 games, while he hits a little (76 to 74), takes little (31 to 74) and does not rebound the puck at all (12 to 74), which means he is useless in defense.

Athanasiou - hits even less (41 in 73), but slightly more tackles (52 in 73) and few rebounds (21 in 73)


And all this despite the fact that Chicago was one of the most passing teams last year, which means the team played more defense. Therefore, everyone should have higher hits, rebounds and tackles.

If you want to remain the same soft team that has no room for pressure, then stay it with your young talents.

But if Chicago wants Bedard to progress, then you need to think not only about the development of Raddysh, Reichel, Kurashev, but also about a competitive capable TOP-6