

Membre depuis
17 avr. 2024
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Red Wings de Detroit
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Forum: Armchair-GMsam. à 0 h 53
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>drambui</b></div><div>once again, Marino was about 5 tier below what McGroarty is at this time. If you think his agent is gonna say to '' not sign a deal and wait '' then you havent met an Nhl agent before. His job is to not let things like pettyness happen. 400K + performence bonus are not a thing to spit on. The longer you play in the nhl, the more argument you have to get a better raise on your next contract.

There is no reports that i know of that the kid wants to play for only one team. in cases like this, and they happen often, the kid is open to go to multiple places. I'd bet solid money he doesnt go to FA. would you do the same?</div></div>

But he isn't.
Marino was coming in as a NHL ready 2nd pair. So to say he was 5 tiers below tells me you don't know anything about the player you are talking about.

The agent's job is to help the guy make the best decision...... you aren't getting that part.
Furthermore, the longer you play has little to do with that next contract, it is very much a what have you done for me lately league. Your last year dictates your contract more than anything.
You could score 40 goals in your 2nd year, if you net 10 in your 3rd that's what is going to be remembered. If it's the opposite you will be getting paid a lot more.
And performance bonus isn't the same for 14OA as it is for 1st or 2nd OA... Take 13th pick in 2022 performance bonus was 650k. That's if you can hit it all.
It's not millions. You after tax that and it's a few hundred thousand. Total money after tax is well under 1 million per if you can even it it all. Some times those bonuses aren't even realistic.

You really are failing to understand why picking a team is important. Say Marino went to play for ANA or some other dead team at that time, instead of sharing ice time with Crosby and Malkin years ago.
Do you not understand how that impacts performance? It's really hard to hit those performance metrics when the team around you sucks. But it's a lot easier if they are better players.

You are looking at a little pile of money now, up front..... that is not a way an agent thinks. It's better to be in the right situation than just any situation for a players career. The little bit of money makes no difference. You will make it up later. Which is why I'm telling you, not only will there be little value in trading him next spring, but odds he even agrees are very low.
The time till a 2nd contract is the same, and it's more beneficial to stay and choose your own path. Not get dumped to the highest bidder.
You get dumped, you sign an ECL and you have to deal with the terms. You are a FA.... you get more leverage to dictate how that contract goes.

There are reasons players have done this. If you are talented enough it works. Kerfoot was drafted by NJ.... he said no and stayed 4 years, went to instant playing time....
These are the Harvard kids, they aren't dumb.... maybe you should actually realize there is something to it instead of professing how it works.

WPG will trade him this year..... most likely after the season in the NCAA and NHL starts. Because that's how bitter teams work.
They will not hold onto till next spring. As the return will be garbage and the player had no real purpose in working with you.
As of right now, the player has a reason to work with WPG in finding a trade. He gets his 1st year in and he's a step closer to the 2nd contract.
You take that away from him... he's got no reason to care what you have to say.
Forum: Armchair-GMsam. à 0 h 11
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>drambui</b></div><div>Marino was traded and not even close the the level of McGroarty. If im him, i dont care about ''helping winnipeg'' i want to play in the NHL.

I dont know if you've met 20 years old close to fulfilling their dreams but they are not ''the waiting kind''. He wants to play in the nhl asap.

I stand by my thinking and i dont tuink its flawed one bit, its backed up on previous experiences. Guys like that dont end up in free agency. even Adam Fox who said he would only sign with 1 team got a bunch of second rounders.</div></div>

Marino picked his path. He forced EDM into it. Trust me I know the whole backstory on this.
He like McGroarty wanted instant playing time and a direct path. Pit was desperate for D help and still a good team at that time..... the rest is history.
He refused to go anywhere else. As opposed to ending up on a rebuilding team dished anywhere. So while he didn't hit FA, he was ready to.

You may not realize it, but the "kids" if that's what you want to call guys at 20 trust their agents. If their agent says wait.... they will wait.
The real money doesn't come till after the entry level expires. Playing 3 years on ELC is just adding another year for injury whatever.... It's best to play 2 and get paid.
There are what, 40 games a year at the NCAA level... the games are a whole lot less dirty. You have a face mask etc.....
He's just bidding time, and better to do it there than for 400k.
If you think you have the talent to jump immediately, and you will play well...... this is how it's done. He's not the first.
What he will want if not traded, is to get in at the end of the year to blow through the 1st year of the contract at the end of the season. Reduce the contract to two years, and start next season.
If he doesn't get that, he's more likely to stay in the NCAA and choose his path. At which point there will be no value. Like Marino returned a 4th..... 3 years at harvard.... He was more than prepared to return and get a degree from harvard and be a FA. If you think about it, that's not a bad deal. M isn't much different, that's a good school too.

You simply can't mess around like that. It will backfire every single time.
Forum: Armchair-GMven. à 23 h 31
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>drambui</b></div><div>the whole McGoarty saga started because he wanted to turn pro this year at the nhl. Dont think he will just day no to a trade and stay at the NCAA level out of petty. He wants to play in the nhl asap.</div></div>

Like I said this is a game of cat and mouse.
If WPG.... as I fully expect has him sitting in M this year instead of trading him in the offseason.... they why should he, help WPG get a return?
Your thinking if very flawed.

Realize 2 things. Signing for next year in the spring, means he has to play 3 years to hit his 2nd contract.
But he can screw WPG out of a return aka revenge for making him sit, finish his degree, and sign to any team he wants, with a max contract length of 2 years... aka he hits his 2nd contract in 2 years.... the exact same time.

You are talking about a few hundred thousand difference after taxes. If you were going to the NHL, wouldn't you give up 400k to be able to choose the team you go play for? While still making something from NIL and getting a free degree?

That's really a no brainer. Sure he would like to join the NHL right now...... as he would get 2 years in and be 1 year off that next contract, and make a little bit of money.
But if he has to sit this year and misses the window at the end of the year to blow through a year of that contract, what difference does it really make for him?
He's better off finishing and becoming a FA. Picking where you go can be worth a lot more than 400k. Just ask John Marino.
Forum: Armchair-GMven. à 23 h 14
Forum: Armchair-GMven. à 23 h 5
Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 17 h 23
Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 16 h 41