

37 pieces of flair
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23 mai 2024
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Forum: Armchair-GM28 mai à 16 h 4
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>JimmyV1993</b></div><div>I think Yzerman offers 1 year at 4-4.5. Maybe two years at 4 or less. Look, Stevie played hardball with Larkin and Debrincat on term, I think some of the confusing UFA signings have been related to asks on term. This team has a boat load of prospects that should be pushing for jobs, and Stevie seems to be protecting other assets to make sure he can push when those guys are ready.

As far as other teams interested in Kane, I believe Dallas, Boston and Buffalo were in on him late in the process this year. All the media seems to want him to go back to Chicago, but that ship seems to have sailed. I’m not sure any of those teams give that guy three years though.</div></div>

The wings will be a cap team from here on out, so, ideally he signs a 1 year so Yzerman can take advantage of the 35+ performance bonus cap overage allowance. You could easily pay him the 6.25 with 2 mil in performance bonus making it a 4.25 cap hit. I just don't think Showtime goes for that, and I don't blame him. He's still a ppg player with absolutely elite parts to his game and he wants term and will get more than 4/year.

Look at Pavelski for example. He signed a 3x7 with Dallas just before turning 35 and coming off a 64 point in 75 game season and a career average of about .8 points/game. He signed a 1 year, 6 mil (500k perf bonus) after that and then a 1 year, 5.5 (2 mil perf bonus) last off season. The 6 mil contract was after an 81 point season at age 38 (the guy is ridiculous).

Now, obviously Joe Pavelski is a different style of player than Patrick Kane but the numbers should arguably be very similar. 47p in 50 games last season immediately after taking a die-grinder to the hip bone. He's 35 now, so approximately 7 mos older than Pavelski was when he signed for 3 years but he also has 523 more points than Joe did.