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14 août 2015
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Forum: Armchair-GM17 mars 2016 à 11 h 26
Forum: Armchair-GM17 mars 2016 à 13 h 53
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>FutureNHLgm</b></div><div><i>Cross is not a top 4 NHL defenseman. He's barely a #7 in the NHL, take him out of there, and back to Providence. Slide Colin, Morrow, anyone else, in that spot. That D-core sucks. McQuaid isn't a top 4 defenseman....On a good team, that is. Seids is done. Guy is losing it by the game, and should be a key "let's get rid of this guy," player in the offseason. Getting his 4 million off the books will be addition by subtraction. This D, once again, will struggle to move the puck, while being hammered in their own end b/c they can't efficiently move the puck out of the zone.

Beleskey at 3.8 million, is too expensive for the 4th liner, and frankly, too good to be on the 4th line. This guy has some nice offensive skills to go along with his balls-to-the-walls play style. Putting him on the 4th line is an absolute waste. What has Griffith done to take a spot in the top 9 over him anyway? Griffith, if anything, is nothing more than a tweener who succeeds in the AHL because it's lesser talent. He isn't a good skater (slow for his size) and that will hurt his NHL impact, unfortunately.

Don't like that 3rd line at all. They will get chewed up defensively. Yeah, a lot of offensive potential, but it will be hard when they're stuck in the defensive end the whole game.

Eriksson isn't signing for under 6 million. Pipe dream right there.

I just don't understand where you came up with some of these moves from. The Tommy Cross one is a headscratcher. This team is a bottom dweller though.</i></div></div>

I also don't see the Rangers incentive to get rid of Klein, a RD, a position of need for us, for a winger, which we don't need. The only thing we get out of it is 600K cap space and a 3rd. Not enough incentive to move Klein.