

Membre depuis
9 août 2020
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Rangers de New York
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Forum: Armchair-GM8 déc. 2022 à 19 h 5
Forum: Armchair-GM6 déc. 2022 à 12 h 54
-I'd rather have the "one-dimensional" Brock Boeser for 2 more years at $6.65M than the "no-dimensional" Josh Anderson for 4 more years at $5.5M. The idea that Vancouver would also have to give up a 2023 1st to move less money than Montreal is offloading in this deal is terrible.

-Avs aren't going to give up a '23 1st for Monahan, much less add a prospect. Let's also put a hold on the Monahan trades until we find out what knocked him out of last night's game - obviously one of the big red flags for Monahan is his injury history, and getting knocked out of a game with a potential ankle/leg injury isn't gonna help his trade value at all.

-Rangers say yes because this is probably too much for Laf - a pair of 1sts in this year's draft (so easy to move up into lottery range) and a decent prospect in Kidney? I think it's too early to give up on Laf but I also think that if a team wants to overpay for a guy that's not a franchise cornerstone, you gotta take it.

-Dadonov has done nothing at all to be worth a 2nd in *any* year. He's waking up a little so MAYBE you can get a 5th round value for him with full retention, but even after scoring in two straight games he still has 4 points in 21 GP. No from the Caps on this.

-This actually feels right for Edmundson - JP is a potential reclamation project, the 3rd adds value for the Habs, and the trade is close to cap neutral for the Oilers. I think this is the most likely deal of all these to happen in the real world.

-LA isn't going to trade a 1st rounder this year to turn their .868 SV%/3.75 GAA to an .893/3.51 goalie. They don't need to move the cap at this point, and they can probably just buy Peterson out this summer if he doesn't turn it around. If they look for goalie help at the deadline, they probably target a pending UFA to be their backup - guys like Thomas Greiss, James Reimer, or Anthony Stolarz might not be the sexiest names but they're cheap cap hits and won't cost a '23 1st in a trade. Cal Petersen's also put up 2 great games in a row in the AHL so there's a chance he just takes a few weeks to get his head straight and comes back looking more like an NHL-caliber goalie.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 déc. 2022 à 20 h 43