

Membre depuis
17 sept. 2015
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Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: Armchair-GM30 avr. 2018 à 1 h 51
Sujet: 2018-2019
Forum: Expansion Draft18 juin 2017 à 22 h 8
Forum: Armchair-GM6 janv. 2017 à 23 h 41
Forum: Armchair-GM24 avr. 2016 à 20 h 50
palhal - I've noticed that you are often good at offering a fair bit of criticism to the things that others write. :)
** That being said, I totally agree that the Leafs do not necessarily need Matt Martin but if the Leafs want more toughness on the team, he would be a great fourth line left winger. They have other options for sure - certainly just having J.van Riemsdyk, J.Vesey, L.Komarov, J.Leivo would make a great left side next season if they signed/kept all those players.
** In regards to K.Shattenkirk, he is one of the best options out there for a top pairing RH shot defencemen, although my personal preference would be a trade for T.Barrie because he is a couple years younger and is just an RFA this season.
** I mention T.Barrie and K.Shattenkirk because I just think that Toronto would line up better to potentially make a trade with those teams. H.Lindhom and S.Vatanen would be good RFA options (potentially available in trade) because Anaheim will have salary cap issues re-signing all their RFA's with a number of either big or bad contracts on their roster (plus they have some possible replacements for those two in S.Theodore & B.Montour). It just would be harder for Toronto to trade with Anaheim because Anaheim cannot really even afford to take on other contracts unless they can dump some of their forwards that are under-producing.
** If the "Leafs way" ends up being to sign S.Stamkos, THEN I think it makes sense to also try to trade for a guy like T.Barrie.
** Regarding Lupul to New Jersey for R.Clowe - Lupul is actually going to be paid less next year in actual salary than R.Clowe will. So New Jersey saves a little money and gets a body in the lineup if he is healthy enough to play some. In Clowe, the Leafs get a guy that for sure can be put on LTIR, if the Leafs actually do make other trades or acquisitions that would put them over the salary cap. (The Leafs might just send Lupul away and do that anyways!)
palhal - I'm not a kid! I am also a loooooong time Leafs fan. I do think things out carefully for a while before making any suggestions; and when I do make trade proposals, I certainly do try to make them fair for BOTH teams, not just the Leafs. :)
** If per chance the Leafs actually win the draft lottery and get Auston Matthews - it would be great to have a top-line centre added to the Leafs lineup, but I also think you would have to seriously talk to Arozona to see how much you could get out of them. Arizona has a lot of good forward prospects; my favourites would be: D.Strome, C.Dvorak, & C. Fischer.
Forum: Armchair-GM17 déc. 2015 à 10 h 20