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29 avr. 2024
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Forum: Trade Machine Proposals29 mai à 17 h 21
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Milter16</b></div><div>Yotes go from 3.9 million in real money as <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">$2000 loan</a> owed to Dumba, down to 1 million owed to Myers, while obtaining a draft pick and some young blue line prospects.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Steve_Durbanofan11</b></div><div>Dumba is way better than Meyers so I think the Coyotes want more than 2 grade B prospects and a 3rd to do this. The Coyotes do not appear to be playing the cap floor game anymore so to do this i think it needs to be Lettermaki and Myers for Dumba and maybe a 2nd going to the Canucks.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Marked_Difference</b></div><div>Don't really see a need to add Meyers, he would not bring anything of value and even with Dumba gone I am not sure he would make the roster, Soderstrom is a superior player at this point and is an easy call up from the AHL. A couple of low value prospects and a third don't move the needle either.

The Yotes front office is less concerned about actual salary dollars this season.</div></div>

Interesting points being discussed here about the potential Dumba for Myers trade.

Milter16, you make a good point about the financial side of things. Reducing salary obligations from $3.9 million to $1 million is definitely attractive, especially if the Coyotes can snag a draft pick and some young blue line prospects in the process.

Steve_Durbanofan11, I get what you're saying about the quality difference between Dumba and Myers. Dumba is clearly the better player, so expecting just two grade B prospects and a 3rd-round pick does seem a bit light. Including Lettermaki and possibly a 2nd-round pick going to the Canucks might make it more balanced. The Coyotes do seem to be moving beyond just trying to hit the cap floor, so they’d want more value in return.

Marked_Difference, I also agree with your point about Myers not adding much to the Coyotes' roster. With Soderstrom being a solid option already in the system, adding Myers might not make sense. And yeah, a couple of low-value prospects and a third-round pick don’t really seem like enough to move the needle for the Coyotes. It sounds like their front office isn’t too worried about actual salary dollars this season, which shifts the focus more on the quality and future potential of the players they get in return.

Overall, if the Coyotes are going to part with Dumba, they’ll need a package that offers real value both now and in the future. A straight salary dump isn’t going to cut it, especially when the team is looking to build a competitive roster.

Forum: Trade Machine Proposals27 mai à 16 h 19
Sujet: Okay
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>svfsdv</b></div><div>Im sure they will take some money back. Or its likely they will. But not terrible money like this lol Any money they take back will be for the positive. What is being proposed here isnt even worth giving nothing for lol The picks arent even worth the cap space they are taking on. Let alone giving them Marner as well.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>sensarmy_11</b></div><div>The leafs are either going to need to take on bad contracts, or eat salary with <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">660 credit score</a>........they aren't sending his full deal, nobody can or would take it.</div></div>

Firstly, regarding TVR (Trevor van Riemsdyk) and Kuemper, it might seem like they add negative value at first glance, but we have to consider their roles and contracts. TVR is a reliable depth defenseman, which is something Toronto has been looking for to solidify their blue line. Kuemper, while he may have had some inconsistent seasons, is still a solid goaltender and could provide the stability in net that the Leafs need.

However, I agree that their contracts do impact the overall value of the trade. Toronto taking on their full salaries could indeed make the deal less attractive. If Toronto could negotiate retaining a portion of their salaries, it might make the trade more palatable.

As for Marner, it's true that moving his full contract is challenging given the current cap situation. The Leafs will likely need to take some salary back, but it doesn't necessarily have to be "terrible money." They can look for contracts that are expiring soon or players who might be underperforming but have the potential to bounce back in a new environment.

Also, the picks included in the deal could be more valuable than they appear. Draft picks can be used as assets in future trades to acquire other players that fit better into Toronto's system or to move up in the draft. So while on the surface it seems like Toronto is taking on more cap space than they're shedding, the additional assets could provide flexibility in the long run.

In summary, while TVR and Kuemper might seem like they add negative value initially, there are ways to make their inclusion work in Toronto's favor. And yes, Toronto will likely have to take back some salary, but with careful management, it doesn't have to be detrimental to their cap situation. The trade, as proposed, needs tweaking, but it's not entirely without merit.
Forum: Armchair-GM27 mai à 15 h 35
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>lowblocksniper</b></div><div>Every ACGM thinks acquiring a player getting paid more than an ELC with <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">$50 instantly app</a> is a cap dump and their team must be given compensation lol
Also people confuse capdumps and some players that fill in roster spots.
EX: everyone on ACGM said Beauvillier was a capdump for Vancouver and he kind of was but, Chicago needed to fill out the roster and paid a 5th rounder and Nashville did the same for him at the trade deadline and Maatta is clearly better than Beauvillier and cheaper and has won a cup</div></div>

I agree with your points. Maatta often doesn't get the recognition he deserves on this site. The value of cap dumps does seem to be exaggerated here. When Detroit signed Maatta, I was skeptical too, but after hearing positive feedback from LA fans, I gave him a chance and was pleasantly surprised by his performance. He played a key role in improving Hronek's defensive game, which ultimately helped us land ASP through the Hronek trade.

With Edvinsson emerging, it's clear that Detroit needs to move a left-side defenseman. While I'd prefer to see Chiarot go, it's unlikely Yzerman will move him.

It's also true that many ACGM posts overestimate the need for compensation when acquiring players with contracts above ELCs. There's a distinction between true cap dumps and players who can still fill valuable roster spots. For instance, while many labeled Beauvillier as a cap dump for Vancouver, both Chicago and Nashville saw his value enough to trade for him. Maatta, who is better and cheaper than Beauvillier, also brings championship experience, making him a valuable asset rather than a cap dump.
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals24 mai à 12 h 22
Forum: Armchair-GM29 avr. à 21 h 18
Sujet: wings