

Fan of the OHL
Membre depuis
16 janv. 2024
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Canadiens de Montréal
Deuxième équipe favorite
Blackhawks de Chicago
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Forum: Mock-Draft28 mai à 17 h 40
Ok i'll give you that on your info, thanks for providing it. That depth sounds promising to me as well actually. My argument about it tho was a defensemen in general, i didn't look into as far as a LHD or RHD. There for were both kind of right. as far as the offense goes, of course you can never go wrong with having a better offense. And who knows, maybe with all the top 10 defensemen that are ranked, a bunch of suprises comes through and teams will draft all the wingers because its almost a gurentee of skill out of the player whereas it seems like most of the defensemen in this draft, except levshunov are not 100% to be a all star defensemen. that being said, you never actually know who is going to adapt well to the nhl level until they get there and do it. thats why there are 3rd rounders that are superstars over a lot of 1st rounders that were drafted in the same year. So you Have to go for what the team needs as a rule to success in building a team right? This is why in basketball nba for an example 2007 draft, the rule of thumb was that number 1 pick Greg Oden was the big 7ft dominate player, and the unwritten rule is that you always take the big guy because dominite centers in the nba are hard to come by. The 2nd overall pick was Instant Hall of Famer, Kevin Durant. Greg Oden was injured in his first season and never played again. Kevin Durant is on the verge of being top 3 and has a possibility of top 2 or even 1 if he stays long enough probably not though, to be th all time scoring champion in the NBA. So in NHL You have to choose the player that suits the teams needs no matter what. and in the Habs case, they Need D. lol or you all can cluster up a bunch of centers and wingers like you always do, and hope your offense can get the job done, my bet is, you end up back here in the draft next year with another top 5 pick.