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16 juin 2016
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Penguins de Pittsburgh
Deuxième équipe favorite
Red Wings de Detroit
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Forum: Armchair-GM21 juin 2016 à 15 h 40
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juin 2016 à 10 h 40
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Guillaumepg66</b></div><div><i>Hi,

I will give you this, pick number 6 is a hefty price.
But think about it.
What Toronto just gave up for Andersen, a much less experience and succesful goalie that is without a contract (RFA).
Fleury is just 30 years old,
Since 2012, he ranks 2nd goalie with the most wins.
Since 2012, he ranks 1st for shutoots.
SInce 2012, he ranks 12th in GAA with guys who played more then 100 games.
Did I mention he want to two Stanley cup finals and won a cup?
He plays for a good team, ok, but he has a little contract and nobody has a pedigree remotely close to him and his available right now...
So, tell me now, how crazy is Rutherford?</i></div></div>

Perception is why. The problem with Fleury is that he has been dethroned by a rookie and hasn't sniffed the net since. Fleury is still a good goalie but he's being sold at a loss right now. There's also the expansion draft which means Pittsburgh will have to get rid of one goalie if they don't want to lose one for nothing. The goalie market isn't that hot right now either. Not too mention that GM's are starting to get wiser to the notion that you don't need a big name goalie to win the cup. If Fleury was being shopped last summer, he'd of been picked up no sweat. This summer if the price for him is a potential star player like a Dubois/Nylander/Brown/Juolevi etc, most GMs' will take 6th over Fleury any day of the week. I would. Young high draft pick players on cheap ELC contracts are the most valuable thing in the NHL right now. most times even more then good established players.