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31 mai 2016
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Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin 2016 à 7 h 37
Forum: Armchair-GM9 juin 2016 à 21 h 15
Forum: Armchair-GM9 juin 2016 à 20 h 29
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BreKel</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Drew</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BreKel</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Drew</b></div><div><i>Both are very close to nhl ready especially zboril. if you put senyshyn with bergy line you increase his learning curve tenfold. This team needs a bigger injection of youth I may mean missing the playoffs again but these young guns need time in the nhl</i></div></div>

Or you could very well ruin his confidence and stunt his growth b/c he's not as ready as you believe. Carlo is actually the most ready NHL player they drafted last year. Maybe DeBrusk, but even he could use a year or two at the AHL level with call ups here and there. The only way Senyshyn makes the team out of camp is if he puts on another 10-15 lbs and forces his way, something I don't see happening. He's not a prospect to rush. He has serious upside, but you're better off letting him stay in the OHL. This was his first legit season getting top 6 minutes.

Zboril, i don't see ready to make an impact either, especially in a top 4 role. Talk is that he may go to Europe to continue his growth. Defenseman take a long time to develop. He's not worth rushing either.</i></div></div>

I don't think you'll break any of these players confidence they're professional athletes and any athlete who fails will come back the next year stronger and more mentally prepared. I don't buy into that ruining a player to young crap</i></div></div>

Doesn't matter. The main point is that they aren't close to being NHL ready, and forcing them into important roles won't lead to good things. If you don't feel that you'll ruin a player's confidence and potentially stunt their growth by playing them when they're not ready, why don't more NHL teams do it?

How don't you see how this is a legit reason teams don't do it? You can definitely break a player's confidence if you force them into an NHL lineup and they're not ready. If the player is forced into the league, and doesn't perform, you don't think the thought of doubt will creep into their head? The thought of, "Can I play in this league?" most definitely will start to eat at them. Confidence is a huge thing in a players' career. If you kill their confidence b/c they weren't ready, they may never fully recover.

The biggest thing is stunting their growth though. That's why teams don't do it. When they send a player back to junior, it's b/c they want the player to work on things, get stronger, etc. The NHL season is brutal and takes a toll on the body. If a player isn't ready for it, he won't be able to keep up, will break down, injuries, etc.

You invest a lot of time, money, into these players. You can't be throwing them to the wolves b/c the lineup needs youth. It will only hurt their development as players.</i></div></div>

Then how to players like sheary vatrano Panarin go Undrafted and two years removed jump to nhl teams and make an impact? If given the right opportunity with the right players these kids could shine. Not to mention these guys are all "undersized"
Forum: Armchair-GM9 juin 2016 à 18 h 16
Forum: Armchair-GM5 juin 2016 à 12 h 10
Forum: Armchair-GM5 juin 2016 à 9 h 24