

big penguins fan
Membre depuis
20 juin 2023
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Penguins de Pittsburgh
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Jets de Winnipeg
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Forum: Armchair-GM4 mai à 14 h 16
Forum: Armchair-GM4 mai à 14 h 48
Forum: Armchair-GM5 mai à 7 h 59
Forum: Armchair-GM5 mai à 9 h 42
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>fil97</b></div><div>you'll see next season already... don't worry about it.

and please explain how you're goalie pool is great when your best goalie prospect is the one we traded to you knowing he wasn't close to be as good as Blomqvist ....

no cliff after yager and boom. koivunen is a top 6 sure thing and broz and ponomarev great third line centres (broz has more margin to be top 6 guy).

obviously we don't have a deep pool considering we have won 3 cups in the last 15 years and always contending. but quality over quantity. always. is better to have 1 Blomqvist than 4 Calle clang</div></div>

Dostal. He just played his rookie season and looked great (sadly that’s a .902 behind this ANA team). He’s ready to be a 1A at 23. Our next best prospect is Clara. On top of that we also have Suchanek, then Clang and Buteyets. We really don’t need more, as promising as Blom was. It makes zero sense to open up a top 6 hole for someone to compete for a 1A that you already have filled, especially when 1B has a $6.4M veteran logjam and plenty of promising players who already look the part to compete for that in the next few years

Yager looks great. But he’s playing in the WHL right now. We have a 3rd round D+1 sitting above him in the WHL playoff stats leaderboard right now. It’s just never even close to a sure thing that translates to the NHL. Zegras was a 60+pt scorer at center in his age 20 season. Yager is 19. Let’s see how next year goes, I’m hopeful for him, but not 60+ points hopeful

Koiv definitely surprised this year looking at his stats, but I haven’t seen a single Liiga game, have you? Or are you saying he’s a sure bet because you looked at his stats annd anssumed it? And again, he’s about to turn 21. Zegras was in his 2nd of back-to-back 60+ pt NHL seasons.

That’s my point. No 3rd line ceiling players thank you though

I think you’re taking this as a disrespect, which isn’t how it’s meant. PIT has been competing for years, and now has a bottom 10 NHL pipeline because of it. Thats a trade any GM would gladly make. But it does mean that (especially with the positional strength in the limited pipeline they have), that they just don’t have the assets to acquire Zegras 🤷‍♂️
Forum: Armchair-GM4 mai à 11 h 7