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17 août 2016
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Forum: Armchair-GM18 juill. 2018 à 16 h 33
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Wadejos123</b></div><div><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div>Lower? Now is the best time to make trades because you have oodles of time before the start of the year and you can be patient if need be..... the salary cap is even inflated 10% to accommodate teams during this period between July 1st and the end of training camp. If players values were lowered so much right now, Ottawa wouldn't be trading Karlsson now. Buffalo wouldn't of traded ROR now and all the big blockbuster deals that have happened over the past while wouldn't have happened in the off season.....

As for Jokiharju not being at least similar to Docker in value, they literally both were drafted 26-29 in their respective drafts. Play RHD. Are ~6'0 and 180-190 lbs. Drafted only 1 year apart and are almost literally 1 year in age apart..... but Im sure you have extensive data to back up your claim. Go ahead, Im listening.</div></div>

for one, Jokiharju has been playing in a better, more respected league (QMJHL) that produces more NHL talent than the AJHL. Also, Jokiharju faces better talents in his league and is still putting up better numbers than Docker. 71 points in 63 games for henri vs 41 pts in 49 games for Docker. On top of all that Jokiharju is more NHL ready which is a huge asset. Jokiharju can make the NHL this season while Docker will be playing in the NCAA this upcoming season. Jokiharju has represented Finland in international tournaments and again, Docker has only played in the AJHL. Lastly, Jokiharju is the faster, more offensive defenseman that the entire NHL is shifting towards.</div></div>
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juill. 2018 à 15 h 38
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div>All about perspective. If this is an acceptable offer for Patches now, what was Bostons offer to NYR for Nash? I know people are down on Pacioretty he's not worthless either.

Nash (50%) at last years TDL:
Ryan Spooner, Matt Beleskey (50%), Ryan Lindgren and round 1st 2018 (Bernard Docker)

Jokiharju = Bernard Docker
2nd 2019 = Lindgren
6th does not equal Spooner+Beleskey (50%) (Spooner easily worth a late 2nd rounder and Beleskey at 50% is barely a nuisance. Half of his remaining 1.9 can be buried in the AHL making his actual cap hit only 800K..

And even if the last part was equal in your mind, that's for 20 regular season games of Nash and 1 playoff. Trading for Pacioretty now gives you 82 games and a 1 playoff. So that has to be compensated for.

Not too mention Pacioretty is 29, Nash is 34 and the thing people seem to forget that even in his worst offensive season of his career, Pacioretty still managed more points in less games than Nash did last virtually the same amount of games last year in NYR, Nash only had 1 more goal than Pacioretty did.......

I get teams not wanting to give high end quality pieces for Pacioretty simply because the leverage has tilted away from MTL a bit, but we better be getting at the very least quantity then.</div></div>

players value spikes at the deadline due to teams trying to make a run at the cup. Players values are lower at times like right now. And Jokiharju does not equal Docker but nice try
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juill. 2018 à 15 h 21