

In Pridham we trust
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25 mai 2015
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Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: Armchair-GM10 janv. 2022 à 11 h 40
Sujet: TDL 2022
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>jchafe77</b></div><div>Most of the times when I'm doing these ACGM stuff, its because i see trade rumours going around on social media, and would be curious as to how they would work out, plus, to see others reactions. Would I want Klingberg? Yeah obviously, but I wouldn't do the trade above, hence why I don't believe the leafs should be targeting big names like Klingberg, Chychrun, Hertl, etc...
Cost will be way too expensive and in years to come when Marner, Matthews, Tavares and Nylander's contracts are up, you gotta have potential replacements on the ready</div></div>

Warning. Long-winded hypothesis.

Over the Xmas break I was thinking about those extensions. Obviously this is the optimistic view, but I don't think it's not to out to lunch.

But I think the pandemic, the overpays, the "greed" might come back to benefit the Leafs in the end.

Obviously Shanny saying take less to build something great fell on deaf ears the first time around, but now that they all have a bit of $$ in their pockets, will it work this time?

Rielly (again) has set the table and took less than market. Will Campbell follow suit? If everyone's fav guy takes a bit less, will that spark the rest?

Even if it doesn't, when all their deals expire, the league will still be feeling effects of the Pandemic. Top salaries have more or less been paused the last couple of years. As long as MacKinnon doesn't blow the roof off the "glass ceiling" that freeze will likely still be in effect more or less.

So, IMO the big 4 could cost the same today as they do 3/4 years down the road. Matthews will become highest paid player $13.5M on long term deal. That'll riase the bar a bit then McDavid will smash it 2/3 years later. Nylander $8.5 or $9M seems reasonable. Did marner learn his lesson? Surely to God he'd be happy with $11M long term. Tavares being the wildcard, he would have made $100M or more, but if he's still effective (likely based on how he looks now) maybe he's looking at a Pavelski deal (and shift to the wing). Maybe $7M.

13.5+9+11+7 = $40.5M.

So, if Leafs can weather the salary cap storm this summer, they could be setting themselves up for some long-term cap certainty.
Forum: Armchair-GM10 janv. 2022 à 11 h 9
Sujet: TDL 2022
Forum: Armchair-GM10 janv. 2022 à 1 h 45
Forum: Armchair-GM10 janv. 2022 à 1 h 43
Sujet: Keller
Forum: Toronto Maple Leafs9 janv. 2022 à 20 h 0
Forum: Toronto Maple Leafs9 janv. 2022 à 19 h 26
Forum: Armchair-GM8 janv. 2022 à 16 h 7
Forum: Armchair-GM7 janv. 2022 à 22 h 8