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15 avr. 2017
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Forum: Armchair-GM25 mai 2018 à 11 h 52
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>jayjenkins</b></div><div>Why is Johns signing a 4/$3? I don't think he's worth that much.
Why are you trading Ritchie for nothing? He was on the top line with Seguin/Benn at the end of the year and showed promise for next year being in same spot.
Giving up on Faksa is dumb imo because he showed a lot of promise. While bringing in Galchenyuk would be intriguing, you have him playing 2nd line C where Faksa was last year. I understand that getting rid of Spezza's contract is probably the point of the deal but I would rather eat the last year of Spezza's deal and not have to give up an intriguing player for the future.
Why are you signing JVR to such a big deal if Nichushkin is coming back? Also if Gurianov is going to make the team (which I agree that he will) why are you burying him on the 3rd line. JVR signing is unnecessary. Just because there is a quality FA available, doesn't mean he will fit into the team dynamic and lineup.</div></div>

A lot to digest there. I don't feel the faksa trade is giving up on him. Galchenyuk is just more of a scorer than faksa, which the stars need desperately. Essentially its a straight swap, Faksa for Galchenyuk, and Spezza's contract for a 3rd. Ritchie was played on the top line to try and get him going, that's the only reason. If you believe he showed promise, you didn't watch many games. I agree they could get more than 7th for him (Ritchie), but it is wrong to think that he has that much trade value. I will be shocked if Nichushkin comes in and lights it up. He has been average in the KHL with one of the best teams there. I just hope he can provide the much needed depth scoring. Definitely do not think he is anywhere close to the player that JVR is. As far as Gurianov, I think it would be wise to keep him, Hintz, and Dickinson together after seeing how well they play together in the Calder cup playoffs this year.
Forum: Armchair-GM7 févr. 2018 à 18 h 53