Forums/Trade Machine Proposals

Wild Flyers

Créé par: Kapesk
Publié: 5 juin à 9 h 58
Plafond salarial: 87 700 000 $
Journées à la saison: 185/186 (99%)
Détermination du registraire central: Cette transaction a rempli les différents critères exigés par le registraire central de la LNH.

Logo de Wild du MinnesotaWild du Minnesota

DépartStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Rossi, MarcoWild du MinnesotaLNH-858 691 $011---0000--
Choix de 4e ronde en 2024 (Logo de Wild du MinnesotaMIN)---001------
ArrivéeStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Tippett, OwenFlyers de PhiladelphieLNH-6 166 667 $011---0000--
VariationEspace sous le plafond salarialFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Initial5 956 412 $1935453613
Variation-5 307 976 $00000-1
Final648 436 $ (↓)1935453612 (↓)000

Logo de Flyers de PhiladelphieFlyers de Philadelphie

DépartStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Tippett, OwenFlyers de PhiladelphieLNH-6 166 667 $011---0000--
ArrivéeStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Rossi, MarcoWild du MinnesotaLNH-858 691 $011---0000--
Choix de 4e ronde en 2024 (Logo de Wild du MinnesotaMIN)---001------
VariationEspace sous le plafond salarialFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Initial503 572 $1938535813
Variation5 307 976 $000001
Final5 811 548 $ (↑)1938535814 (↑)000
5 juin à 10 h 7
Hockey Guru
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Rejoint: nov. 2023
Messages: 41
Mentions "j'aime": 1
The Wild (or atleast Bill) has made it clear they are willing to trade Rossi for a "similar" talent that has more size. Tippett fits this bill and should pair well with Yurov when he comes over at the end of this next season.

The Flyers are even more desperate for Cap space than the Wild and are in desperate need for help down the middle. Rossi is coming off of a Rookie of the Year nominee season, and has only had his stock rise after his international play this off-season. He is showing a massive up tick in his game and he is only 22. The fact that the Wild are willing to part with a Player that has only been improving and at a nice pace is something that baffles me as to why they would want to move on from, but hey that's just all the more reason for a team with a very deep Winger pool to snag a Center that will only help their team now and for the foreseeable future.

Back Draws of the Trade
Flyers lose Tippet, but due to a deep Winger pool this might be something they are ok with given the position they are getting in return and the value of it. A 22yr old 2C when you only have a 1C on your team? Not a bad deal when you have 6-7 Top 6 Wingers.
Wild are closer to the cap line while in Cap hell. With them looking to move other pieces like Gus and Mojo this might be something that they are ok with.
5 juin à 10 h 57
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Rejoint: avr. 2024
Messages: 24
Mentions "j'aime": 0
A trade between the Minnesota Wild and another team in the NHL will happen soon.
5 juin à 18 h 19
See you space cowboy
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Rejoint: mai 2023
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Given we just extended Tip for eight years I can't see the Flyers shopping him.
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