Forums/Trade Machine Proposals


Créé par: Kapesk
Publié: 4 juin à 11 h 33
Plafond salarial: 87 700 000 $
Journées à la saison: 185/186 (99%)
Détermination du registraire central: Cette transaction a rempli les différents critères exigés par le registraire central de la LNH.

Logo de Red Wings de DetroitRed Wings de Detroit

DépartStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Raymond, LucasRed Wings de DetroitLNH-0 $011---0000--
Choix de 4e ronde en 2026 (Logo de Red Wings de DetroitDET)---001------
ArrivéeStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Johansson, MarcusWild du MinnesotaLNH-1 989 247 $011---0000--
Gustavsson, FilipWild du MinnesotaLNH-3 729 839 $011-------00
Rossi, MarcoWild du MinnesotaLNH-858 691 $011---0000--
Hunt, DaemonExempté du ballottageWild du MinnesotaMineures-0 $011---0000--
VariationEspace sous le plafond salarialFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Initial29 067 360 $1333533614
Variation-6 577 777 $24300-1
Final22 489 583 $ (↓)15 (↑)37 (↑)56 (↑)3613 (↓)000

Logo de Wild du MinnesotaWild du Minnesota

DépartStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Johansson, MarcusWild du MinnesotaLNH-1 989 247 $011---0000--
Gustavsson, FilipWild du MinnesotaLNH-3 729 839 $011-------00
Rossi, MarcoWild du MinnesotaLNH-858 691 $011---0000--
Hunt, DaemonExempté du ballottageWild du MinnesotaMineures-0 $011---0000--
ArrivéeStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Raymond, LucasRed Wings de DetroitLNH-0 $011---0000--
Choix de 4e ronde en 2026 (Logo de Red Wings de DetroitDET)---001------
VariationEspace sous le plafond salarialFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Initial5 956 412 $1935453613
Variation6 577 777 $-2-4-3001
Final12 534 189 $ (↑)17 (↓)31 (↓)42 (↓)3614 (↑)000
4 juin à 11 h 42
Hockey Guru
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Rejoint: nov. 2023
Messages: 41
Mentions "j'aime": 1

With an Aging Goalie and Defensive core Detroit needs to get its team more in line with where it wants to be. Luckily for them Minnesota is flush with young players, some of which they are looking to move now or could be swayed into doing.

They are desperately looking for another player (preferably young) that can challenge for a top line spot or at least be a main stay in the top six as a consistent contributor.

Why it works:
1. Detroit gets an NHL ready Defensemen that is young, a goalie who is 5 yrs younger than their youngest goalie and who is ready to prove he is a starter.
2. Detroit gets a 2C to add additional depth to the most desired position in hockey
3. Minnesota gets a Top 6 player that can challenge to play on the first line with Kaprizov, and he is still young, while also opening up other positions for up and coming players needing a roster spot.

Basically Minnesota's bursting talent pool of young players is causing them to push out players they may want to keep if possible, but unfortunately you only get so many roster spots. So one team's problem is another teams payday. 3 young players and a vet at a bargain cap hit for 1 young player and a 4th round pick 2yrs down the road which has low odds to become a NHL player outside the Bottom 6. Not a bad deal when your team needs a larger retooling than just one position.
4 juin à 11 h 52
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Rejoint: mars 2023
Messages: 224
Mentions "j'aime": 64
Absolutely not from Detroit. Raymond is one of the few untouchable's on the wings right now, he looks like he's gonna be a star.

Rossi is really the only piece of interest for the wings in this deal and realistically he's still a bit of a gamble. And don't get me wrong, I really like Rossi, just doesn't look like he has the upside of Raymond.

Wings have a bunch of players like Hunt in their system so that's not a need or even a want at this point.

Gustavsson would maybe be of interest but not in this deal, his value is pretty low after a sub .900 season. Plus the wings have Cossa AND Augustine in their system who look like they're gonna be studs so not really a need for a "goalie for their future" when Cossa could be NHL ready as soon as the 25/26 season

Marcus Johansson is 33 and the wings already have Copp and Compher as their Middle 6 centres and veleno as their 4C so he's not of interest.

Overall just not a good deal for Detroit, they add 4 players that basically do what their roster players already do and ship out one of their very few high end skilled forwards.
mikearky a aimé ceci.
4 juin à 19 h 18
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Rejoint: juill. 2022
Messages: 2,948
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Quoting: Kapesk

With an Aging Goalie and Defensive core Detroit needs to get its team more in line with where it wants to be. Luckily for them Minnesota is flush with young players, some of which they are looking to move now or could be swayed into doing.

They are desperately looking for another player (preferably young) that can challenge for a top line spot or at least be a main stay in the top six as a consistent contributor.

Why it works:
1. Detroit gets an NHL ready Defensemen that is young, a goalie who is 5 yrs younger than their youngest goalie and who is ready to prove he is a starter.
2. Detroit gets a 2C to add additional depth to the most desired position in hockey
3. Minnesota gets a Top 6 player that can challenge to play on the first line with Kaprizov, and he is still young, while also opening up other positions for up and coming players needing a roster spot.

Basically Minnesota's bursting talent pool of young players is causing them to push out players they may want to keep if possible, but unfortunately you only get so many roster spots. So one team's problem is another teams payday. 3 young players and a vet at a bargain cap hit for 1 young player and a 4th round pick 2yrs down the road which has low odds to become a NHL player outside the Bottom 6. Not a bad deal when your team needs a larger retooling than just one position.

Detroit: stockpiled with young D talent, two good goalie prospects, and 2 centers in Danielson and Kasper.

Also Detroit: for having such a deep prospect pool, one strong deficiency… best wing prospects: Berggren, Mazur, Soderblom, Buchelnikov.

Can’t afford to move Raymond, unless it’s for an upgrade. Unless you’d like a possible move for JEE?

JEE and a 4th
Kasper + Johansson + Maata + 15
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