Forums/Trade Machine Proposals

LA Buys Saros

Créé par: HighlightrEhlers
Publié: 2 juin à 1 h 41
Plafond salarial: 87 700 000 $
Journées à la saison: 185/186 (99%)
Détermination du registraire central: Cette transaction a été refusée, car une des équipes n'a pas atteint le plancher salarial

Logo de Kings de Los AngelesKings de Los Angeles

DépartStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Gavrikov, VladislavKings de Los AngelesLNH-5 843 414 $011---0000--
Turcotte, AlexKings de Los AngelesMineures-0 $011---0000--
Chromiak, MartinExempté du ballottageKings de Los AngelesMineures-0 $011---0000--
Choix de 4e ronde en 2024 (Logo de Kings de Los AngelesLAK)---001------
Choix de 6e ronde en 2024 (Logo de Kings de Los AngelesLAK)---001------
ArrivéeStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Saros, JuusePredators de NashvilleLNH-4 973 118 $011-------00
VariationEspace sous le plafond salarialFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Initial19 900 000 $1323353411
Variation870 296 $0-1-200-2
Final20 770 296 $ (↑)1322 (↓)33 (↓)349 (↓)000

Logo de Predators de NashvillePredators de Nashville

DépartStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Saros, JuusePredators de NashvilleLNH-4 973 118 $011-------00
ArrivéeStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Gavrikov, VladislavKings de Los AngelesLNH-5 843 414 $011---0000--
Turcotte, AlexKings de Los AngelesMineures-0 $011---0000--
Chromiak, MartinExempté du ballottageKings de Los AngelesMineures-0 $011---0000--
Choix de 4e ronde en 2024 (Logo de Kings de Los AngelesLAK)---001------
Choix de 6e ronde en 2024 (Logo de Kings de Los AngelesLAK)---001------
VariationEspace sous le plafond salarialFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Initial26 045 801 $15304841110
Variation-870 296 $012002
Final25 175 505 $ (↓)1531 (↑)50 (↑)41112 (↑)000
Enough for Saros?
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2 juin à 1 h 45
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Rejoint: juill. 2021
Messages: 973
Mentions "j'aime": 186
Martin Chromiak's scouting report on the Athletic:
One of the more dangerous forwards in the OHL two seasons ago, Chromiak stepped right into the AHL last season and was productive but hasn’t really taken another step this season. He’s an attacking winger off the flank who looks for his shots and uses his plus-level skating to cut to the interior or push wide. I like his drive. He’s got a multi-dimensional offensive-zone game, a dangerous midrange wrister (which he gets off quickly), a good one-timer, and a real feel for the game and spacing. He’s also a competent defensive player who keeps his feet moving and positions himself well, even if that won’t be a strength of his up a level. He’s more of a straight-line attacker than an east-to-west one, and there are some who question whether he’ll top out as a bit of a tweener, but I like the tools enough for a complementary third-line/PP2/secondary-scorer projection with the right development. Next year will be a big one for him because it’ll be the final year of his entry-level contract and you’d like to see him get into the call-up conversation by the end of it.

Turcotte’s projection has definitely dulled since his draft year in 2019 but I think he’ll still figure it out and become a contributing top-nine player. I was thrilled to see him score his first NHL goal a couple of weeks ago after all he’s been through injury-wise. I do think he turned pro a year too early, especially knowing his injury history and what a consistent year at Wisconsin could have done for him as a sophomore (like it did for Cole Caufield and Dylan Holloway).

When he plays with pace, confidence and an attack mentality, he’s a highly involved player who can make a lot of plays (especially as a passer through layers/under sticks/around feet). He has quick hands in traffic, he understands how to use space as a playmaker, and he plays a driven, engaged style that pulls his linemates into the fight.

He needs to work on his catch and release (he spends an extra half-second dusting pucks off, which kills some chances to shoot because he’s thinking about it too much) but he plays a complete, play-driving style with good touch and decent acceleration through his stride from a standstill. He also has a low base to his stride, which helps him extend plays, stay on top of pucks and attack off the wall to the interior (despite his 5-foot-11 frame, which does come with some limitations), although that hasn’t been as pronounced against men as it was previously.

Turcotte’s usually in motion and looking to apply pressure. But he doesn’t get lost in that either, playing a spatially-aware game that sees the ice well. I like him as a player who elevates and creates for his linemates, even if he’s not much of a scorer. He’s just not going to become the star, impact guy you hope for out of a No. 5 pick.

Gavrikov is a good 2LD, a practically equal replacement for McDonaugh. Ofc given that he waives his NMC

Saros comes with an extension.
2 juin à 8 h 0
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Rejoint: mai 2024
Messages: 195
Mentions "j'aime": 55
Yeah, a 2nd pairing dman, two busts, and two late round picks are going to get you a premium goalie.

Try Brandt Clarke and plenty of change.
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