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Forum: Armchair-GM25 juin à 23 h 0
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>mokumboi</b></div><div>A simple "no, I've never watched him play" would have sufficed.

And yeah, Thomas is considerably better than Scheif. Good lord. And as good as Cirelli defensively. And the fact that you're comparing him to wingers only proves that you don't know what you're on about. And that's fine, we can't all watch everybody play all the time.

But hey, never let it be said I'm not here to help. Played just about the toughest minutes of any C in the in the league this season. Near the top of the league in puck battles won two years running. Elite in transition and possession. It takes much more than points to understand everything Thomas does. But while we're at it, top 20 in 5v5 points, assists and 1st assists, both in total and per 60, and 10th highest scoring center this season.

On top of all that, he's also not to his ceiling yet. You should watch him play some time, it's hella fun.</div></div>

No need to be sassy.

1. Cirelli has been Top 5 in Selke voting twice, and nominated every season except for his rookie season. He's elite and experienced on the PK. How long has Thomas PK'd for? How many Selke nominations? lol

2. I'm comparing him to wingers because he won't play C for Team Canada. Who is he replacing? Mcdavid? Crosby? Point? He's a good offensive player but not good enough to take anyone's place on Team Canada.

3. If you want him to play more of a shutdown role he turns the puck over at almost the same rate he gets take aways and doesn't hit or block shots.

He won't play C for Team Canada and he's not even close to being an elite finisher which is what Canada's wingers will need to excel at.

I don't see how he takes a spot from anyone in the top 9.

Maybe watch a few games of the following players:


...then tell me who he's replacing