

CFGM Game Moderator
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2 mai 2017
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Forum: GM Game 2018-1918 avr. 2019 à 7 h 52
Forum: GM Game 2018-1917 avr. 2019 à 18 h 21
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>ricochetii</b></div><div>Why are people recreating teams now?
I'm wondering if it's better to do it now or wait until RL free agency but I can't decide if it makes a difference since RL things end up reflecting regardless.</div></div>

We do our free agents (RFA &amp; UFA) before July 1st, so there's no point waiting for RL to happen because we have to decide on new contracts ahead of that.
Plus the sheet that's used as a guideline for contracts usually doesn't get published until the latter part of May.
I've quietly wondered if this is the correct way of doing it based on a few (many) free agent signings back when v3 started compared with what that "real life" player was signed for.
But, that's just me and I understand and follow the rules set forth in our game. It just sucks when you're stuck with a guy whose "in game" contract is so horribly out of whack with what he got in real life.

My other thought on the whole topic is, we are relying on a group of 6-7 people to make the final determination on pretty much every free agent contract in our game.
I know because at this time last year I was one of those 6-7 people, and it wasn't always easy having to go back to someone and tell them they had to increase their offer to one that fit more in line with either some prediction sheet or what "we" felt was right.
What I'd like to see happen, just as an example, if we sign a FA to a certain contract and it turns out the real life number and term is much lower, we're given the option to change it to match. I mean if you've got a guy whose 50% higher in term &amp; cap than what his real life deal is, that's kind of stupid.

Don't take anything I've said the wrong way, the prediction sheet is a pretty good tool and surprisingly comes very close if not bang on with the numbers.
Forum: GM Game 2018-1916 avr. 2019 à 12 h 40
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Pross</b></div><div>I wanted to know what the procedure or game plan will be moving forward for the 2019/20 season?

I see Bolts has updated a 2019/20 roster with his ready to sign RFA's coming up in July 1st of 2019, and wanted to know if all the teams should do the same? I'm assuming there is an agreed upon cap limit increase for the 2019/20 season ($82m ??) and any UFA's remaining (<em>that isn't using the 1 UFA rights to sign pre-July 1st, 2019</em>) will be in the Free Agent Pool accordingly, right?

Once that's completed, do we submit the protected players from expansion draft and reveal the 2 Forwards, 1 Defender, 1 Goalie qualified players for meeting the expansion requirements?

I understand if playoff teams are keeping their rosters until the voting is finished for their respective exit rounds, but since 15 teams (<em>including mine</em>) are not in the playoffs, if this is something we should consider in advance?</div></div>

My understanding is we still have about a month or slightly more before things start to lead into season 2 of v3.
BOG will let us know when we need to publish our new team pages **But that doesn't stop anyone from creating it now JUST DO NOT PUBLISH IT YET**
I've started my page and will finish once further signings are made so I can insert the correct info.
Big thing to remember is getting all you draft picks corrected on the new page to match exactly what you have now and in future years.

Salary cap has been set at 83M for next season.

If you missed it, here's a link to the schedule and where we're at in game right now
<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a>

Hope even a small part of this helps answer some of your thoughts
Forum: GM Game 2018-199 avr. 2019 à 19 h 43
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>A_K</b></div><div>Following suit with what happens IRL. Contracts go from July 1 to June 30th. This has always been the rule.</div></div>

I hear ya, and that's where it gets confusing in a small way.

Guy signs a new contract on Aug 14th
Doesn't count to us because it was after May 19th

Guys contract clause runs out June 30th
Doesn't count to us because it's not June 30th yet.

That's more what my thought process is/was.
We're looking away from crappy new contracts based on our games start date, but we're honoring contract clauses because we follow real life contract dates.

If that's the way we want to do it, WE in game should NOT be doing any UFA signings "in game" until it hits July 1st
This is a perfect example of how us doing things far ahead of real life finds some of us with craptastic contracts such as Thomas Hickey signed to 7yrs x $5M when he signed a "real life" contract only 41 days after our game started at 4yrs x $2.5M

That alone explains the problem with our game. We as team GM's "negotiate" a contract but then real life happens and the same player is signed to a much shorter, less expensive contract just days later.

This only happens when dealing with UFAs, because when it comes to our RFAs I am absolutely considering the idea of not re-signing any of mine until AFTER they sign their shiny new real life contract just so I don't get stuck with a possibly "bad contract". And it keeps a little more "realism" in our game because we're considering trades based of real life players with real life contracts.

No chance in Hell I could ever trade Hickey at $5M for now 6 more years, but a 5-6 Dman making $2.5 for only 3yrs might be much more attractive to a team needing to fill a hole due to injury.
**Please note, Hickey is simply brought up as an example I am familiar with**
Forum: GM Game 2018-199 avr. 2019 à 19 h 12
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>A_K</b></div><div>No-Movement Clauses for expansion purposes are based on the 2018-19 season. The 2019-20 season begins officially on July 1, 2019.</div></div>

BOO just BOO

If we are recognizing May 19th, 2018 as the start of our v3 game, then WHY in the bloddy Blue He(dbl hockey sticks) are we recognizing July 1st as the date for contract clauses.

What we're saying here is that if a player signed an absolutely stupid real life new contract, we don't have to recognize it because it was signed AFTER our game started.
That would mean then, our "season" should officially end as of May 18th, 2019 at Midnight EST meaning any current contact clauses should end on that date or at least switch to their new function.
So if player has a full NMC, but it switches to a M-NTC "next season", in regards to our game that "next season" would start on May 19th, 2019
Yet, we're being told that players with such clauses need to be auto-protected in the upcoming expansion draft in our game because the clause doesn't switch until July 1st....

Expansion draft is scheduled for May 20th start, which would mean all our current in game contracts would end the day prior to that, yet we have to recognize the current clauses for another month after expansion.

Clitch in the system, easily fixed by either moving the expansion draft back to July 2nd (won't happen) OR just let it be known that any clauses that switch as of July 1st actually take effect May 19th to reflect our in game year long season.

The only personal example I gave offer is my dear friend Johnny Boychuk.
WHY should I be penalized by being forced to protect him in our "in game" expansion draft just because his real life contract changes 40 days too late.

It blurs too many lines. We either recognize our in game start date as the change over date for everything, or we follow any and all real life dates.
Again, our game started May 19, but if a guy somehow signed an absolute crap new contract on May 20, the team who has that player doesn't have to keep it and can sign him to something new (and likely much cheaper)

Me: Not mad, just thinking out loud
Forum: GM Game 2018-198 avr. 2019 à 17 h 13
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>A_K</b></div><div><a href="/users/TonyStrecher" target="_blank">@TonyStrecher</a> <a href="/users/A_K" target="_blank">@A_K</a> <a href="/users/Bo53Horvat" target="_blank">@Bo53Horvat</a> <a href="/users/BoltsPoint21" target="_blank">@BoltsPoint21</a> <a href="/users/krakowitz" target="_blank">@krakowitz</a> <a href="/users/l9guysports" target="_blank">@l9guysports</a> <a href="/users/TabooPenguo" target="_blank">@TabooPenguo</a> <a href="/users/phillyjabroni" target="_blank">@phillyjabroni</a> <a href="/users/Math" target="_blank">@Math</a> <a href="/users/Rodzikhockey93" target="_blank">@Rodzikhockey93</a> <a href="/users/Turner33" target="_blank">@Turner33</a> <a href="/users/ricochetii" target="_blank">@ricochetii</a> <a href="/users/HotsamBatcho" target="_blank">@HotsamBatcho</a> <a href="/users/Luc3" target="_blank">@Luc3</a> <a href="/users/TMLSage" target="_blank">@TMLSage</a> <a href="/users/HallforHart" target="_blank">@HallforHart</a> <a href="/users/Missouri" target="_blank">@Missouri</a> <a href="/users/Daryl" target="_blank">@Daryl</a> <a href="/users/alwaysnextyear" target="_blank">@alwaysnextyear</a> <a href="/users/rangersandislesfan" target="_blank">@rangersandislesfan</a> <a href="/users/brenfox31" target="_blank">@brenfox31</a> <a href="/users/flamesfan419" target="_blank"><a href="/users/flamesfan419" target="_blank">@flamesfan419</a></a> <a href="/users/Max" target="_blank">@Max</a> <a href="/users/Icegirl" target="_blank">@Icegirl</a> <a href="/users/matt59" target="_blank">@matt59</a> <a href="/users/NateElder12" target="_blank">@NateElder12</a> <a href="/users/Gronk" target="_blank">@Gronk</a> <a href="/users/jmac490" target="_blank">@jmac490</a> <a href="/users/Pross" target="_blank">@Pross</a> <a href="/users/mhockey91" target="_blank">@mhockey91</a> <a href="/users/Mr_cap" target="_blank">@Mr_cap</a> <a href="/users/MacWinnon" target="_blank">@MacWinnon</a>

The results of today's v3 lottery draw:

#1 - Arizona Coyotes

#2 - Colorado Avalanche (via Detroit Red Wings)

#3 - Quebec Nordiques

For the up-to-date listing of the draft order, check the "Playoffs and Draft" tab within the score sheet.

<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="/users/flamesfan419" target="_blank"><a href="/users/flamesfan419" target="_blank">@flamesfan419</a></a> if you would like to update the draft board with today's results, please go ahead.</div></div>

With the lottery now complete and the bottom (top 16) picks now slotted into place, I present to you....
The 2019 GM Game v3 Draft Board

<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a>
Forum: GM Game 2018-193 avr. 2019 à 10 h 22
Forum: GM Game 2018-191 avr. 2019 à 23 h 2