

CFGM Game Moderator
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2 mai 2017
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Flames de Calgary
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Penguins de Pittsburgh
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Forum: GM Game 2018-1919 mars 2019 à 7 h 37
Forum: GM Game 2018-1918 mars 2019 à 10 h 43
Just because I know how much everyone loves it when I share my thoughts and ideas, I figured I'd do it again. So here goes.....

When it comes time for UFA bidding in June, I'd like to suggest something to help simplify the process.
Have each team submit a complete list of all their UFAs broken down by position (G-LW-C-RW-D)
Then rather than creating daily lists based on "good to lesser" players, simply do it based on position.
This could be put together and posted in advance so everyone has a chance to go through and see who they want to take a run at each day ahead of time.
Day 1 - Goalies
Day 2 - LW
Day 3 - RW
Day 4 - C
Day 5 - D
That way it breaks down to a simple 1 week process Mon-Fri
BOG then takes the weekend to process all bids and starts to post results the following week.
After that, any UFAs not bid on or signed simply go into one big pool posted by the BOG and it becomes a first come-first served type of thing.
This also takes a bit of stress time wise off the BOG as they don't need to post results on a daily basis unless they wish to.
Create a NEW thread with 32 team reply's where you just post to each individual teams spot with who they have won in Free Agency. (ONLY BOG CAN POST TO THE THREAD)
Then we all just go in and check which teams got which players with the contract terms clearly visible for all.

With that idea in mind, you could change the Divisional Trade Block threads to the place where each team posts their RFA signings.
Again, this keeps everything well organized by team and much easier for each of the GMs to search for who signed who.

Just some thoughts I had over the weekend
No one has to use them but I did want to share because recalling my brief time as a BOG member, I know this can be rather time consuming so this helps reduce that a little.

**Side note, I still have the spreadsheet we used last year for the draft. If you'd like me to copy it and erase so you can use it again this year, just let me know. Happy to help.