

Membre depuis
26 juin 2016
Équipe favorite
Avalanche du Colorado
Deuxième équipe favorite
Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: Armchair-GM24 janv. 2022 à 14 h 34
Forum: Armchair-GM10 oct. 2020 à 19 h 3
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Wadejos123</b></div><div>hard pass by the hawks</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>ChiHawk</b></div><div>Maatta or De Haan can get traded as they certainly have positive value. However, let's play your scenario though and pretend neither are tradable; easy solution, the Hawks buyout Maatta and free up $3.3M more against the cap. Then they buyout Smith and free up another $2M against the cap. This is easy stuff to understand.

Crow has already been offered $3.5M for 1 year and speculated his agent and he will sign for 2 years at that cap hit.

We are not trading Saad for Jost, that is terrible deal and furthermore in this miscalculated scenario there is not a chance we give up Saad with retention and a 2nd for Murray. Saad is easily worth a 1st plus a 3rd or prospect at the TDL. Murray is not worth a 1st, 2nd and 3rd and not even close. Jost is laughable for Saad.

Lastly, if you guys want Saad, and his two way play would be a great fit for Colorado, it would be a big mistake to not play him in the top 6. He's a good player in the regular season but his game translates even better in the playoffs which makes him very valuable to teams headed for the playoffs at the TDL....Hawks know this.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bf3351</b></div><div>I think you have Saad mixed up with someone else.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Beetlejuice</b></div><div>Chi rejects

We are not trading Saad and a 2nd also with 1 million retained for Murray

Crow's is our starting goalie, and even if we were to get a new goalie there are better options on the market</div></div>

HA!!!! For Z and you retain $1mm!!! You woulda been better off with Jost.