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8 juill. 2016
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Devils du New Jersey
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Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2017 à 13 h 53
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>We_Want_The_Cup</b></div><div><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DanteDevilsHockey</b></div><div>

Thank you for the response. I don't want to call Mackinnon overrated but like you said he is only slightly better than Galchenyuk. I was one in the minority knowing that the margin between Galchenyuk and Mackinnon is not very large. They both are expected of between 45-60 points a season. Mackinnon had a great rookie season making an impression on many fans that he will become a bonafide 1st liner. That's not the case, however he can still become that. As it goes for Juulsen I think he becomes something significant in this league as soon as this season. I would love to have a prospect like Juulsen in NJ, as we are barren of potential top 4D talent. Any interest in Adam Henrique as a Habs fan?</div></div>

I agree. If we weren't so stacked with 3rd pairing defensemen, he would've gotten a chance to start developing in the NHL right away. Instead, I'm hoping he's given a chance next season.

As for Juulsen in NJ, I'll have to decline. Not only are we just as barren in top 4D potential talent, but I'm also not so high on Adam Henrique as a match for our particular team. He is a decent 2nd line center, but we already have that in Danault. In fact, a lot of our team is 2nd/3rd line talent, so adding more of the same will only hurt us. I think NJD and MTL actually share very similar woes in that aspect.

What I'm looking for is a young guy who hasn't yet established himself as a 1C, but who seems to have that potential. I'm willing to give up Galchenyuk+. The reason being that management seems to struggle at trusting Galchenyuk at C, even though he exploded in output at that position since being tried there. For example, had he been at C for all of the 2015-2016 season, he would've had something closer to 70 points (using his point-per-game production rate when finally placed at center). However, since management is so hesitant with young guys in general (and the new coach Julien has a particularly bad rep for this), then I need to swap Galchenyuk for another guy in a similar position. Change of scenery type trade.</div></div>

I see. Your best bet is to go for a guy like Mackinnon who, like you said, isn't an established 1C but can certainly become that. As we both agree Sakic over values his players, and that is why Duchene hasn't been moved yet. If Sakic is being this stingy with Duchene I can only imagine what he expects in a deal for Mackinnon.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2017 à 12 h 4
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>We_Want_The_Cup</b></div><div><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DanteDevilsHockey</b></div><div>Coming from an outsider to both of these teams my question is, how good of prospect is Juulsen? I know that he's a former first rounder, and that he has at the very least top 4 potential, but does he have top 2 potential? This deal looks like enough to pry Mackinnon from Colorado. We all know what to expect from Galchenyuk, and McCarron is a solid prospect that maybe needs a change of scenery. I think Montreal can get Mackinnon for slighlty less value. However Sakic is the GM and we all know what happens there.</div></div>

To answer your points:
- There's no way to know, realistically. He isn't a J. Slavin or PK Subban type player, and closer in style to Weber and McDonaugh, sorta. In that sense, yes he can be a top 2 player with his hockey IQ and all-around ability, but only if a team values that sort of defender to be in the top 2. I would assume he would make an insane pairing with a slick dynamic defender on the top 2. Otherwise, he's basically top 4 guaranteed, as far as prospect guarantees go.
- Funnily enough, MacKinnon is only slightly better than Galchenyuk in the stat sheet. Go check it out, you'd be surprised! So really, this is a losing deal for the Habs in terms of absolute value, even if the trade value is close. If we replace the 1st round pick with a 2nd round pick, then I think we're more or less at absolute value equality, though trade value inequality. Ya dig?
- And yupp, with Sakic, pretty sure even this isn't enough anyway.
- I definitely agree on McCarron. He was going great until we fed him ice time drop by drop. His response? Start fighting and gooning in order to earn ice time with a coach who loves hard nosed players. This set him back, but a fresh face will completely change that. He can easily be a dominant 3C, or optimistically an average 2C. But he will never be a 1C.</div></div>

Thank you for the response. I don't want to call Mackinnon overrated but like you said he is only slightly better than Galchenyuk. I was one in the minority knowing that the margin between Galchenyuk and Mackinnon is not very large. They both are expected of between 45-60 points a season. Mackinnon had a great rookie season making an impression on many fans that he will become a bonafide 1st liner. That's not the case, however he can still become that. As it goes for Juulsen I think he becomes something significant in this league as soon as this season. I would love to have a prospect like Juulsen in NJ, as we are barren of potential top 4D talent. Any interest in Adam Henrique as a Habs fan?
Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2017 à 1 h 44
Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2017 à 1 h 34
Forum: Armchair-GM1 août 2017 à 16 h 51
Forum: Armchair-GM30 juill. 2017 à 19 h 16
Forum: Armchair-GM28 juill. 2017 à 16 h 17
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juill. 2017 à 11 h 8