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24 mai 2015
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Forum: Armchair-GM3 juin 2015 à 19 h 52
That team goes nowhere, sorry.

<strong>To start off:</strong>

Neither the Bruins nor the Rangers would touch that deal. It doesn't make any sense for either team. Rangers give up a 40-50 goal scorer for a downgrade in Lucic (scoring wise). I'd rather have Lucic over Nash come playoff time (assuming the B's make the playoffs).

Go compare Krug and Yandle. Very similar players, with Krug still having tons of time to mature and grow as a player. Yandle is extremely expensive (and the Rags aren't retaining his salary; especially that much). Going forward, i'd take Krug over Yandle anyway. Krug is a gamer and comes up big when you need him to; albeit in a small career sample size.

Reilly Smith, though i don't care for him, has value and should be used elsewhere, since like i said, the deal wouldn't happen.

<strong>On the Vancouver Deal:</strong>

It's even worse than the Rangers deal. Downgrading a great deal in both positions. Eriksson &gt;&gt; Kassian and Seidenberg is still better than Bieksa, even if Seids is coming off injury.

<strong>Everything else:</strong>

Chris Kelly cannot be on this team come the start of the season. His cap hit is too large for a team needing cap space. He doesn't put up points, and at this point in his career in a grossly overpaid 4th liner. That proposed 3rd line would be brutal offensively. Your hoping Connolly can put it together here in Boston. You will get ZERO offensive help from Kelly; Spooner would rot with those two.

Too many "??" for the RW depth. Pastrnak, though on track to be a really good player, is still young and more than likely won't be able to handle a full 82 game season as the team's #1 RW option. Kassian is nothing more than a 3rd/4th liner at this point, and though he shows flashes, doesn't have the IQ to be a consistently good player. I would take him on the team, but not in the role you proposed and not in the deal you proposed.